Executive Coach Training Program

Join our next cohort to maximize your team’s potential and amplify the power of coaching in your school, district, or state.
What is the FranklinCovey Executive Coach Training Program?

The FranklinCovey Executive Coach Training Program (FC-ECTP) is designed to provide fundamental coach training to those in the field of education who want to maximize the power of coaching in their school districts.  FC-ECTP is a comprehensive training program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is aligned with their eight core competencies. The program occurs over a one-year period and includes both synchronous and asynchronous hours. 

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Complete the form to connect with a member of our Executive Coach Training Program team to discuss your options.

Additional documents:

Level 1 Accreditation

107 hour program (56 synchronous hours, 41 asynchronous hours, and 10 hours of mentor coaching).

Course 1 | Foundations

Training educators in the basic paradigm of coaching so they understand the process itself, the role of the coach and the client, and the appropriation of consulting when necessary.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, educators will be able to:

  • Set the stage for a strong relationship (co-creation).
  • Confidently navigate setting a strong little agreement with a client.
  • Have a basic understanding of how to use the three communication tools of coaching.
  • Know how to shift from a coaching to a consulting moment and back.
  • Apply practical tools that support the client’s growth and success.

34 hours

Course 2 | Formations

Expanding the ability of educators to coach according to competencies defined by the ICF.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, educators will be able to:

  • Observe and identify evidence for the eight core competencies.
  • Have a greater awareness of and proficiency in the coach approach paradigm.
  • Demonstrate increased skill level in competencies Establishes and Maintains Agreements, Maintains Presence, and Evokes Awareness.
  • Demonstrate appreciation for the formation of the coach and the formation of the client in the process.

30.5 hours

Course 3 | Skill Building

Educators will participate in a practicum of learning, thereby having the opportunity to demonstrate their coaching skills in alignment with the competencies defined by the ICF. Participants will receive direct evaluation of their coaching throughout the module.

Course Objectives:

Educators are coaching at an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level by the time they end this module.

Educators will:

  • Coach a minimum of two times in class.
  • Contribute to the discussion of the coaching and share relevant observations.
  • Work in trios to prepare a paper and lead a discussion on an assigned coaching topic.

32.5 hours

Mentor Coaching

In addition, participants will accumulate ten hours of mentor coaching. Seven hours are delivered in a group format, and three are delivered via individual sessions. Upon successful completion of the training program, participants will be prepared to apply for their ACC level credentialing through ICF.

10 hours

Level 2 Accreditation*

Builds from Level 1 with an additional 29 hours of advanced level content (16 synchronous hours and 13 asynchronous hours).

*Prerequisite – completed Level 1 coursework and Mentor Coaching

Course | Executive Mindsets

Expanding on a repertoire of skills to provide higher coaching value that creates a fuller partnership for the leader as they navigate complex concerns. This course will prepare coaches to deliver Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level coaching themselves.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, educators will be able to:

  • Demonstrate increased skill level in the 8 core competencies.
  • Apply the core competencies within a fast paced executive environment.
  • Elevate their embodiment of the core competencies to meet the demand and higher expectation of the executive.

29 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited program?

    Yes, through a Level 1 Accredited Coaching Education Provider path of ICF credentialing.

  • Do I become credentialed with ICF by taking this program?

    While the program certifies a coach through FranklinCovey, it does not credential the coach through ICF. Upon completion of the FC-ECTP, the participant is responsible for applying to ICF for the relevant credential.

  • What language is this program delivered in?

    All of our courses in our program are taught in English only.

  • How much does this Executive Coach Training Program Level 1 cost?

    The cost for our Level 1, 107 hour training is $10,500.

  • Is Mentor Coaching covered in the fee?

    Ten hours of mentor coaching is included in the Level 1 program. If the student decides to pursue Level 2 certification and was not mentored by one of our approved PCC or MCC coaches, the student will need to secure an additional 10 hours of mentor coaching instruction at the student’s expense.

  • Is there a refund for the Executive Coach Training Program?

    Should the student need to cancel registration they will receive a full refund if the cancellation request is received by email at executive.coaching@franklincovey.com 30 days or more prior to the start date.

    • Cancellations received within 7 to 29 days prior to the start date of any course will receive a full refund excluding a non-refundable administrative fee of 10% of tuition.
    • The student experience is of utmost importance to the school. If a student finds the experience highly unsatisfactory after beginning Foundations (Course 1), the student may request to withdraw any time prior to the third class meetings by emailing executive.coaching@franklincovey.com. A full refund will be issued.
    • If a person needs to leave in the middle of the program, the student will pay for what was completed.
    • Under no circumstances will any refund be issued after the third class meeting.
  • Where is training held?

    Current trainings are being held Live Online via Zoom.


  • What is the absentee policy for Level 1 Courses 1–3?

    There are three Live Online instructional courses and one mentor coaching course in the initial training program for ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential. Participants can miss a total of 9.5 Live Online instruction hours during the three courses and still meet the attendance requirements for their ICF credential application. Note that courses will typically consist of 17–21 Live Online instruction training hours each.

    Participants who miss Live Online instruction will need to make up the missed hours through special asynchronous assignments. For example, if a participant misses three hours of Live Online classroom teaching, the participant would need to listen to the missed session via the Zoom recording within one week of the class missed. This would be followed by writing a summary and reflection of the learning obtained through the missed instruction.

  • What happens if I miss more than 9.5 hours of instruction in Level 1 Courses 1-3?

    Participants will not be able to complete certification and would need to attend a future cohort for the necessary amount of time in the respective module. However, observed coaching sessions cannot be made up, so participants must ensure that they have achieved the necessary five hours of observed coaching in order to receive certification.

  • What is the absentee policy for Mentor Coaching?

    Mentor Coaching hours are completed via group and individual coaching to provide a total of 10 mentor coaching hours. Seven of those hours are completed via group coaching and three hours are completed via individual coaching. These 10 hours are included in the fees for the FC-ECTP. Should a participant miss any of the seven group coaching meetings, that participant would need to make up the missed hours by paying for additional individual coaching to ensure the completion of 10 hours of mentor coaching.


  • What is the required reading for the Level 1 program?

    The following textbooks will need to be read as a prerequisite to starting Course 1:

    • Co-Active Coaching
    • Becoming a Professional Life Coach.

    Prior to the start of Course 2, the following book will need to be read as a prerequisite: Coaching Leaders. More information will be provided once closer to the start date.

  • Who pays for the required readings?

    Participants are responsible for covering the purchasing of the textbooks for both Level 1 and Level 2.

  • When is the next cohort going to begin?

    We do not post dates in advance. Cohorts begin in September and February and fill quickly.

  • What if I know others who might be interested in the FranklinCovey Executive Coach Training Program?  

    If you know others who might be interested in joining the next cohort, please have them email Tracey Holland at executive.coaching@franklincovey.com or call 1-800-236-5291 to express interest. This will place them on a wait/notification list.

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